Monday, August 13, 2012

deVah on Velvet Rope Magazine cover!!!

T-MAK World likes us!!!

Here's our favourite quote:

When they kicked into action we felt the same emotion as the first time we saw The Blue Man Group or Cirque du Soleil. This was something new, something exciting, and something that will explode. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rehearsal Techniques!!

We're trying out new rehearsal techniques- it's so much fun!!
It involves heavily critiquing each others' playing, and as Liza was playing, the three of us were wanting a louder sound for one section. At one point, one of us yelled out "Beat your cello!!"

Here's what she came up with!!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

deVah to play at the Pan Am Games Launch!

July 10th will mark 3 years to the date Toronto will host the Pan Am Games in 2015, and Toronto is celebrating!! deVah will be playing at David Pecaut Square in the evening, and will be surrounded by visual arts. Come out!! Should be a great show!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's fun to be in the news!

SNAP Etobicoke wrote up a diddily on us with PICTURES! :) Pictures always make an article better.
It's of our Performance/Demonstration on electric instruments for the young people of Kingsway Conservatory.

SNAP Etobicoke - An Electrifying Performance

Friday, May 11, 2012

Tell me how you really feel - deVah quartet

Here's a bit of our show at Zaphods!


What a busy week it's been!
Last week, we all piled into our cars and made the trek over to Ottawa- our trip started with an appearance on Ottawa Live Music, Ottawa's only interactive radio station! Check it out here:

After playing for an hour straight, we obviously needed several pints of beer. We headed to the fantastic pub walk of Ottawa's downtown core, and had us a few cold ones! And, of course, no night would be complete without late night shawarmas and poutine..

Then off to Zaphod Beeblebrox we went the next day, and had us a rockin good time!
Thanks to Tom, the fantastic sound guy, we felt right at home- one of the best sound guys we worked with! We wish we could take him on tour with us...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wireless Patchcords!

As an electric string quartet, or any sort of electric instrumentalist, you're kind of at the mercy of your patchcord when it comes to performing and jumping up and down on stage. You are tethered to your amp, not unlike your dog is to a fence when you jump into Starbucks for a quick fix. There's a limit on what you can do.

We're super excited to test out wireless patchcords for our Ottawa show! It'll be deVah unleashed!!!
We're working on additional choreography to express our music better. Come check out the results!

Friday, April 20, 2012

POGO Gala Part I

We were thrilled to play at the POGO Gala this past weekend at the beautiful Liberty Grand. It was one of the first times when the client specified three separate looks for us, and definitely the first time any of us had ever been asked to look 'mannish.'
We'll get you picks of the mannish photos soon, but for now, here we are in our final look of the night: White dresses with electric instruments.

This is backstage before we went on- more photos to follow!

Busy Busy!

What a busy few weeks it has been!
We put down five tracks last week, and Moira, in her last minute decision to stay the night in Toronto, realized her part for one of our tracks was in her home out in the suburbs! Can you count the number of pages??

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Plain," our first original we performed!!

This fab little tune is by our very own Liza, who is the composer of the group :)
This is the ending- we're super stoked to perform it at the POGO gala (they specifically requested this!) in a couple of weeks.

We Used To Wait / Cosmic Love

Some of our songs have lead-ins from other songs. We're pretty pleased with this one!

Smooth Criminal

Now here come the content posts!!

From our Lula Lounge show 'devalution' in December:


Welcome to the daily deVah!

The past year has been full of so much excitements! 

This is Sharon blogging, and I'll be the main blogger. If you notice a change in writing style, it might be someone else writing, or I may have decided to pick up a book and inevitably absorbed that author's writing style. These things happen. 

So, deVah, yeah. 
We're Canada's only Yamaha-sponsored string quartet. I think that's pretty cool. 

Here's the image that is likely in the works of becoming a Yamaha poster:

Yes, it's the same photo as the background.

And our first tour is in its infant planning stages! Are you a venue-owner/operator in Ontario/Quebec/Manitoba? Please contact us!!